Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have not been the most low temperature-tolerant person, I love the tropics for its sun, sand, and wind. Though I admit winter has its charms, I have not spent long enough time in very cold weather to really take it all in. Singapore, as you know, is hot all-year round; not as hot as Bangkok or Jakarta, but still, quite hot, with humidity around 94%. That's some sweat on the street. I'd be worried if I couldn't generate a drop of sweat if I walk to subway. There is something amiss if that happens. You would be thinking "eww", but it's true.

Anyway, the temperature for the past month has dropped a bit here, which is unusual. Perhaps it's the rain, perhaps it's the wind, but this wasn't a December Singapore that I remembered for the past years. And today, I keep saying it's getting colder and colder each day. Overseas, people have been saying the weather wasn't what it used to be around the same time of the year. This definitely is global warming in action. Yet I have been ignorant until the signs became too apparent. But are we too late?

Take action now. Simplest things we can all do:
- Use less electricity - unplug your cables from power outlet when not in use
- Use less paper, opt for electronic bills whenever possible
- Recycle your old stuff - clothes, shoes, newspapers, magazines, CDs, DVDs, plastic bottles are some things we can recycle regularly
- Bring your own groceries bag to the supermarket, don't use plastic bag if your purchases can fit into your own bag
- Don't take home unnecessary things. Flyers, free gifts (evaluate whether you really need it) are some of the culprits

Harder one: become a vegetarian. Vegetarianism is the most effective way to fight global warming. To quote this article, "In a groundbreaking 2006 report, the United Nations (U.N.) said that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. " I invite you to read the article for more information. Well, I have also lost some weight since I started, that's the added benefit. Vegetarianism may not be for every one, but with conscious effort, we can eat less meat every day, that will save lives too.


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