Saturday, April 19, 2008

Week of April 12-19

The foundation of things

The intricacies of our mind

Rustic Nirvana

A transition



Apartments on fire

Another world

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The power of no Internet

It didn't last very long. But for four days I was "off the grid". I was not on vacation. But I was free. I was not sucked to the dangerous world of Internet. Because I had no other choice, I was spending my time doing something else that is more beneficial to my well-being, like reading in the comfort of my room. It was a great feeling. If you read my posts, you would know I am the kind of person who would appreciate this kind of thing. Like Nyepi day in Bali for example.

Or, perhaps not, I would probably get bored by the second 15 minutes. I would bang my head to the glass windows or throw things to any strangers who pass by, had it not for my careful restraint that I practice for years.

Nonetheless, luckily I didn't have an entire day to muck around without the far-reaching claws of the universe, so I did really enjoy the time off. The computer is a strange thing, it has an almost mystical power and effect on me. I instantly got sucked to its power like ants to sugar.

Alright, alright, it's crap. It's the choices that we made, blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, I haven't posted for a while. I skipped two days since the inception of my 365 project (so not proud of it) and most of the time I took bad pictures. But here goes April 6,7,8,9,11:

Previous world
Previous world


10 minutes

Cartons and Bulbs
cartons and bulbs

James Brown
I Feel Good

Saturday, April 05, 2008

April 1 - 5, 2008

First instinct


Say What?

Kind of a Bore