Saturday, March 10, 2007


Perfection lies in imperfection

Oh well...

So, the other night, I was throwing away some stuff at ground floor. Before I can hit the button of the elevator, a gust of wind blows into my face. Intrigued at how pleasant it was, I decided to venture beyond my normal block vicinity, which sadly involves only the route I take from the train station to my house.

A playground, some plants along the sides, a small park, a few elderlies having a loud conversation on the park bench, and a few cute guys jogging...The soft light illuminating the park, combined with sound and sights of people doing their own thing and the soft blow of the wind, sort of give you that resort, ooh-ahh feel. Further down, I arrived at a mini-hill, the half-moon path runs along the edge of that hill with apartment blocks surrounding it. Then I saw it.

BBQ pits!!! How on earth could I miss that before? I envision this to be a great hang-out place. A few tables, good lighting, and of course, the BBQ pit itself. Just perfect for light conversations or juicy gossips, AND good food.

Problem is, how to get a booking?

Anyway, it's Saturday again!


1 comment:

Kiran said...

I can see the shot in my head .. :)