Saturday, March 08, 2008

Afternoon light and love of travel

I love afternoon light. It's always shining the brightest before the sun finally disappears into darkness, and the intensity of the heat lends a very different feel, almost otherworldly. It makes me think about life. It makes me realize I should be grateful of the life I have. There's a saying in Chinese, 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。Although the sun's beauty is limitless, it's nearing dusk. The more optimistic version and the one I like is 雖然近黃昏,夕陽無限好。Although the sun's nearing dusk and disappearing, its beauty is still limitless. Tomorrow, the sun will rise again, ever more beautiful, ever more bright.

Afternoon lightI went to the movies yesterday. I came back more impressed with an ad I saw while waiting for it to start than by the movie. It's almost perfect until I see that it's from Louis Vuitton. Well, nothing against the brand, I just didn't expect that. I love the images, I especially love the music! So here:

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