Sunday, July 22, 2007

Utter bliss (almost)

Let me start by asking you a question, what is utter bliss? Your own version.

To me, part of my imagination for utter bliss involves beach, waves, sun, bluest sky, and ocean wind. The other involves picnicking with your family and little children playing in a park. Another is bumming around the house and the neighborhood doing nothing. There could be zillions of other scenarios. Yet a complete bliss (for me, at the moment) is one without any thoughts.

At all.

Now that's hard. Meditation is something that's really new to me. Thoughts crossed my mind at all times; my palms have the most lines among the people I know. A fortune teller once told me that I'm prone to depression. I could be swimming and have already been thinking hundreds of thoughts in 1/2 lap. Okay - this paragraph is depressing.

Well, I'm sort of doing the third kind of bliss, bumming around with nothing to do. It's a lovely time so far. Yet as human being, I can't escape these thoughts; memories, worries, what ifs, regrets, what I should do today... To be able to clear my mind, thinking nothing, is utter bliss. It happens - maybe for a second, for the mind to bounce right back. The onslaught of thoughts just kept attacking. I shouldn't be complaining, maybe I should. I have to escape duality and let everything in. One thing for sure, it's lovely to wake up late on a Monday morning.

I wish you a pleasant week.


Kiran said...

Might I also suggest bliss is also that hazy reality when you stay in bed after waking up, hovering between two states. That ethereal sense of time staying still .. the light, the air, the sounds, the smell. That beautiful moment when the world is perfect and life complete.

Sri said...

Hahaha - this is the part where people would say, "and then I'm brought back to reality". This very moment is where I'm completely lost, I could be thinking I should go to work when it's on weekend, or it's a Saturday morning when it's supposed to be a weekday morning, I was lying on another bed somewhere else instead of where I was. Utterly chaotic mind, confused of what is real and what is not.

Kiran said...

Don't be too bounded by definitions and concepts. What's real might not be real, what's unreal might not be unreal. Which one's the reality? Which one's the dream?