Monday, March 07, 2005

Random act #623

I was sitting in my room, daydreaming I was kidnapped by a handsome prince, when...

RINGGGG....RINGGGG....(it actually didn't sound like that, you know, we have these cool tunes nowadays)

Me: Hello?
Unknown: 喂? 請問這是業蒨文的電話嗎? (Hello? Is this Sally Yeh's number?)
Me: (pause) Uhm...你打錯電話了. (You dialled the wrong number)


Somehow I get the feeling the person at the other end of the line didn't believe me.


I should have pretended I was, then volunteer to autograph Sally's CDs over the mail asked her how she got my closely guarded number.

Well, just another day in my increasingly boring life.


dodol said...

*click click click, this Sally Yeh's blog?? =)

Anonymous said...

You know what? He might be your secret admirer pretending looking for Sally Yeh. You never know that... Sri, you're already 21 and still single. Please look one for yourself. Heh. Don't tell me the same thing. You're a girl. It's different. You don't expect yourself to get married at 30, right? :P

Anonymous said...

I mean "look for one for yourself". Heh.

little M said...

btw sonchan,
i do think being single is a moment to be treasured... ;)

Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say