Sunday, March 06, 2005

Yahoo! Gastronomical feast

For the most part of last year I used to cook like mad. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, and a couple snacks in between (I'm a glutton, btw), an all-round kitchen fare. It may seem like I have nothing else to do in the day besides devouring veggies and (sometimes) meat, heh.

No, no, I insist, that's not true. I have a life, remember?

From where I came, food used to be inexpensive. I mean, really cheap. And fantastic, still is. Everytime I was home, all I wanted to do was to enjoy all the city's eating establishments have to offer. I'd be sitting around the house pondering on what to have for dinner, or tagging along friends who, more often than not, didn't disappoint. Everyone's favorite pastime is checking out what's new and tasty in town, and then passing reviews or recommendations to people they bumped into along the way to another joint. I count myself lucky for growing up amidst these gastronomic delights. But again, what is with all this obsession with food, you'd ask?

Live to eat, or eat to live; that is the question. I'll have both, please. ;) Great food has an orgasmic effect on people; and at times, the content of food blogs out there even borders on the pornographic. Yours truly, for one, derives joy and pleasure simply from cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, never mind all the mess and grease. It's truly wonderful to be able to feed people and watch them consume the food you so lovingly prepared, even if it tastes like chicken poo. Excuse my language.

Food is also a conversational starter, and the company you're having your meals with is just as important. What can I say, great friends make the blandest meal bearable. Which reminds me: thanks M, for being such a good friend and a good sport!

Back to where I started, I don't cook at all these days, for the following excuses:
1. I lived in a place where prepared food was just not affordable.
2. I live in a place where the kitchen is such a sore sight for normal eyes.
3. I spend most of my time doing...not much, which, in turn, occupies my time.
4. I have a blog to update.
5. Why are you still reading??

Happy munching!


Anonymous said...

Live to eat or eat to live, this very question does remind me of another very question. That 'another very question' asks 'chicken comes before egg' or 'egg comes before chicken' (not-so-necessarily-related probably , but this issue has been of a hot debate =D). And apparently, it has scientifically suggested (not proven yet) that 'the egg has come first'. So if we try to extend and translate this logic or hypotheses or propositions or whatever (courtesy of our friends from evolution department =D) to that of lexicon, I would suggest that people in ancient times should have come with the word 'eat' before 'live'. The reasoning is this: when people are hungry, they know that they need to 'eat'. If they don't eat, they know that they will 'die'. If they don't die (I don't wish them to die anyway), then they 'live'! And that's how they invent the 'live' word. Agree? Up to you actually, coz this is just an irrationally silly (but logical in some ways) theory of mine =p haha. Enjoy!

dodol said...

Quote: why r u still reading??

No , im just waitin for the meal. ;PP wat do we have tonite?

Sri said...

To Blue Sky,
I agree with what you said. However, the eat-live question doesn't carry the same weight as the egg-or-chicken paradox, which is a pure Catch-22 situation. Note that it only applies to foodies like me, where the answer is not so obvious after all.

IMHO, this thing is not meant to be answered wholly; it was proposed purely to [*beep* see other people annoy the hell out of each other *beep*] stimulate our brains. In Yoda's words: And succeed, they did.

To Simon,
You're cordially invited to a potluck supper tonight, remember to bring your own bratwurst! :D

little M said...

too chim to interrupt..
aniwae... Sri... u sure can write!!

Keep it up!! ;)

Anonymous said...

ah oreo, you are so oblivious =(. blue sky is a foodie too, remember? ;)

p.s. why is oreo being humble? we all know that you rock =D

Sri said...

My apologies, Blue Sky San. Your food tasting experiences far exceed mine. :)
